3 years and counting – hosting-reviews-exposed history in summary

I am not sure why it slipped my mind but this site hit a 3 year mark last month.  If you just started reading my blog here is a summary of what started my crusade against the fake review sites.

In October 2007 after a week of being unable to get resolution with webhostingstuff.com and being blocked by them, I had to vent, so I started researching information for an anti-webhostingstuff video.  Webhostingstuff did not take into account that I am not exactly normal and a little bit crazy.  Having made videos with YouTube, I knew how well they worked at bringing in traffic.  For that matter Google gives a lot of search engine prioty to videos on YouTube.  But the further I looked into webhostingstuff.com, it became clear that they were not the only ones that were trading rankings for dollars.  I found that review sites worked in two different forms one of which was like webhostingstuff selling rankings to the highest bidder, and the other which was to rank them by the amount an affiliate pays out.  The false consumer reports sites were trying to make themselves out to be fair and honest.   Never mind most of these hosts don’t even host with the #1 host or any other host in their ranking, they want you to so they can get paid.

Don’t get me wrong, I am a capitalist among other things.  I like money and I have no problem with affiliates making money promoting a website.  But I also believe in honest ethical practices, I also believe in a reasonable payment %.  Having once owned 4 hosting companies I had affiliate programs on every one of them.  But I was not paying anyone to fake my position in the hosting industry.


For the first time ever In November 2007 I would get a domain not under my own domain registration site, and not hosted on my own servers  which is this site hosting-reviews-exposed.com and I would launch this video on YouTube. This very video:

Here is the text from the original home page.


After I made the video and site, my venting seemed over.  While I paid for the webhosting on the site and kept the domain active.  I did little more then answer and moderate comments on youtube.  I figured in time that interested in my video would die off, but atleast I got to blow off some steam over how I was treated by webhostingstuff.

It was probable not until  May 2010 that I would take an interest in this site.  You can thank Google for that, they sent me an email saying I could make money off of hosting-reviews-exposed.com.  The first thing that came to mind was not dollar signs, which is strange for those that know me.  For that matter this is the first site the google has contacted me to get adsense on.  I was rather shocked.  I come to find that despite my neglect this site was gaining traffic.  I am no expert in bringing traffic,  I figured this site would be dead last in site rankings.  For that matter who knew that Google would contact you if your site was doing well?

So I thought I would look around and see if there was any buzz on search engine about this site.   While searching Google I found one site that show cased my video, in addition did something I should have been doing.  Which is to review the hosts that were using webhostingstuff.

Even though the host had lost intreast in keeping track of who was on the top 25 I saw that it was worth seeing who was in the top 25 and finding out why they should not be there.   49 hosts later I can say there are very few hosts that did not earn skepticism that appeared on webhostingstuff.  I also ended up adding hosts that decided to spam me, after all why trust a host that can’t get customers by honest means.  But I can’t say thats the last of what I will add to webhostingstuff.